Let’s start this off with something many parents can agree with: children can sometimes be annoying.
Parenthood is not all smooth sailing and fields of fresh daisies. There are many roadblocks and potholes ahead. Kids love to play games, and teens love to press as many buttons as they possibly can.
Your little bundle of joy can turn into your biggest source of frustration within seconds. So Fathers 4 Progress Inc. is here to give you a few tips on staying patient with your “mini-me.
- Find your trigger pointsKnow when you’re most reactive to stress and pron,e to impatience. Make a list and keep it on you as often as possible. Then, try to find ways to wind down before you face your energetic child.You can try listening to music on your way home from work or practice the coping techniques you learn from Fatherhood Training.
- VisualizeNow that you have a list of trigger points, try visualizing yourself being patient with your child during challenging situations. This is a great tip we give students at our Parenting Programs in Bronx, New York because it gives them a better chance of appropriately dealing with difficult behavior.
Both new and experienced dads can face trouble when it comes to dealing with difficult behavior in children. We are not often taught how to exercise patience, unlike most mothers are.
If you’re expecting a little one or you want to improve your fathering style, we have a Fatherhood Program in New York that may be of great help to you. Just dial 718-299-6500 to get in touch.
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