Who We Are

Fathers 4 Progress Inc., a Fatherhood/Male Involvement Program, is under the auspices of Sharon Baptist Head Start, an organization of trained teachers, clinicians, staff, and volunteers. We are dedicated to providing a variety of parenting programs in Bronx, New York. As a visible and active establishment within the community, Fathers 4 Progress Inc. has developed expertise in assisting men with issues significant to the healthy and holistic development of their children as well as themselves.
Our Fatherhood Training Center in Bronx, NY, is a vitally significant and timely response to the profound, disparaging crisis faced by men of varying ages, as well as the communities from which they reside. It is not intended as a panacea for life’s problems with family breakdown, unhealthy relationships, drugs, violence, and responsible co-parenting issues. Yet, it is our hope that our efforts will enlist and empower our participants to play more of a participatory role in being a better father, role model, and mentor, as well as in the mobilization and change of his community and views about fatherhood and self.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower fathers and all male role models to become strong advocates in the lives of their children, family, and community, contributing to the growth and development of each, respectively. We also maintain a strong referral and support network; such services make it possible for low-income parents to become independent, self-confident, self-sufficient, and productive community members.
The Fathers 4 Progress Inc. think tank recognized that there is a lack of programs developed to work with the special concerns, needs and aspirations of not only the Sharon Baptist Head Start families but the community as a whole, many of whom continue to be fatally submerged in chronic apathy not having an outlet that they can voice their concerns and gain insights. We seek to effectuate change by providing viable programs, educational opportunities, and events based on the interest of the community at large, for whom we proudly serve.
Goals & Objectives:
- To promote positive growth and development.
- To encourage and support academic (educational, computer literacy, etc.) endeavors.
- To be a catalyst in helping to quell the violence in our communities.
- To ensure men play more participatory roles as mentors and life coaches.
- To help men openly address concerns, joys and hopes.
- To provide a safe, nurturing forum to address, discuss and explore methods of fatherhood, parenting and mentoring.
- To identify possible resources (including funding resources) to assist in our expanded family activities.
- To introduce and model the concept of mentoring in both family and community environments.
Facility Includes
- Computer Lab
- Video conferencing Center
- Vocational Training Center
- Physical Fitness Center
- Coach’s Closet (Free men suits available for job interviews)
- State of The Arts Theater
Our Vision
Our vision is to become the community’s most established fatherhood training center in New York.
To check our latest programs and training, please send us a message here.